All About Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps

Are you looking for a more efficient heating and cooling system? HVAC systems being your biggest energy expense, ductless systems offer significant opportunities for savings. These heat pump style systems offer some of the highest SEER ratings in the industry. Boasting ratings of up to 30 SEER, they can shave 30-40% or more off of your annual energy costs compared to traditional, forced air systems. They are the solution of choice for newly constructed homes, as well as small, older homes with no existing ductwork currently relying on a radiator or baseboard heating.

Ductless Units Can Heat & Cool Your Home

Ductless mini-split heat pumps, such as those by industry leader Mitsubishi, work by transferring heat. In the winter, they move heat from the outdoors into your home, and vice versa in the summer, by reversing the flow of refrigerant. Ductless systems featuring the latest heating technology offer reliable performance, even when it’s below freezing outside. This multifunctional operation means you can achieve all your home comfort needs, reliably, with a single system.

Ductless Systems Are Simple To Install

Mini-split systems consist of one outdoor unit and one (or more) indoor units. Each component takes up far less space than traditional forced-air systems. This is where the name “mini-split” comes from. No boxy ducting is needed. Instead, only small, 3-inch holes are necessary to accommodate refrigerant lines running between interior and exterior components. Lack of ducting means improved efficiency and no heat loss, as well as whisper quiet operation. Refrigerant lines facilitate heating and cooling performance, and the indoor units distribute air, offering substantial energy savings and superior performance.

Mini Split Systems Offer Zoned Based Heating & Cooling For Enhanced Savings

Ductless systems can accommodate up to eight indoor air handling units for each outdoor unit. This can allow you to create zones in your home, varying temperature settings separately by location and use. Purchasing two outdoor units for larger homes can offer significant savings, providing a green, low carbon, year-round home comfort solution.

The More Efficient Your Home, The More Substantial The Savings

While ductless systems offer superior performance and energy savings compared to ducted systems, in order to maximize savings, efficient home design is essential. Adequately insulating your home and addressing air leaks around windows, doors, plumbing, electrical, and venting, prevents the energy savings from ductless systems from seeping out of your house. Fortunately, there are many available state and local energy efficiency upgrade incentives, including those from your utility provider, to help you improve the performance of your home’s building envelope.

Wondering if a ductless mini-split heat pump might be a good fit for your home? Schedule an appointment with the home comfort experts at H & H Heating & Air Conditioning today.


This blog was originally posted on

Types of Heat Pumps


Considering a heat pump for your home? Today’s models can reduce heating costs by 50% compared to electric furnace and baseboard heaters. Unfortunately, finding the right model can be quite confusing due to the sheer multitude of options to consider…

The Wide World of Heat Pumps

Capable of both heating and cooling, heat pump systems work like a refrigerator, using electricity to pump heat from a cool space to a warm one to move warm air indoors in the winter, and vice versa in the summer. Because they move heat rather than generating it, operational costs are significantly reduced.

There are 3 Main Types of Heat Pumps:

  • Air Source
    Inexpensive to install and commonly used, air source heat pumps function well in moderate climates, using outside air as a medium for heat exchange.
  • Water Source
    Water source heat pumps dissipate heat by way of water instead of air. They require well, lake, or other water source access, and aren’t as common.
  • Ground Source
    Ground source or geothermal heat pumps take advantage of thermal energy stored underground, transferring heat in a similar manner to air source heat pumps. Due to the constant temperature of the ground, they offer much more efficient operation, however installation is pricier and more complicated due to the need for excavation and installation of underground piping.

But Wait – We’re Not Done Yet! Heat Pump Sub-Types
To further confound you in the selection process, there are also sub-types of heat pump systems:

  • Hybrid Heat Pump
    In climates that run the gamut from very warm in the summer to very cold in the winter, two types of hybrid systems are available to boost efficiency…

    • Ground & air source heat pump combos, with air source systems leading the way when air is warm outside, but switching to ground source when temperatures drop.
    • Heat pump and gas/oil boiler combo, where simultaneous operation can offer more consistent warmth at a higher level of efficiency. (Commonly used in homes with existing boiler systems.)
  • Solar Heat Pump
    Used in conjunction with air and geothermal heat pumps, solar heat pumps integrate solar panels as a power supply for the system. With a solar geothermal setup, it is therefore possible to heat/cool your entire home by renewable energy.
  • Absorption or Gas-Fired Heat Pump
    Driven by another heat source other than electricity (solar/geothermal/gas), these systems are more typical to industrial applications.

There are also a Few Different Ways to Install Heat Pump Systems, Including…

  • Split System
    The most common installation on ducted systems, with an indoor evaporative unit located in a closet, basement or attic, and the condenser and compressor unit located outdoors in a large metal box.
  • Package System
    All mechanical components are housed in a larger metal outdoor box. (Only ductwork is located in the home.)
  • Mini Split or “Ductless”
    Great for homes without ducts, these work similar to air source heat pumps, albeit on a smaller scale.
  • Window Heat Pumps

Ready to start saving energy and money with a heat pump system? Contact your friendly H&H Heating & Air Conditioning professional and make an appointment for your no-obligation, competitive quote today.

This blog was originally posted at